Monday, November 9, 2009

New Fig, New Website - New Problems?

I just put up the new Fig gallery I've been working on along with the new website. Everything is still a work in progress and I still don't have much time. I put up a Vanilla forum. I hope to eventually get that skinned to fit the site better and possibly change this blog to match the site as well. For now, this will do.

I don't have the Fig Pro version up yet. That might be a few more days or even a week.

Everything is new, so I am expecting some problems and possibly some bugs. Please let me know what you think or how you think things could be improved.

One thing different about the new version is that it does not have a web administration backend. I'm not sure whether to build one yet. I think it may be better to integrate it with a bunch of other CMS systems rather than make one just for Fig. I guess you can have both though.

Truly, this is all really dependant on whether or not people are willing the pay for the FigPro version, as I won't be able to keep this thing going on the free version alone. Guess we will see after I get that one up.

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